our customers


The IIDA team calls on major North American retailers in both the General Merchandise and Food Categories. Our ability to be in any retailer’s offices or stores quickly makes us valuable to not only our manufacturing clients, but also to retail buyers. Our team interacts regularly with buyers and helps the manufacturer get immediate feedback or implement new retail program initiatives quickly. IIDA’s professional skills have produced consistently outstanding, winning results for our clients and retail customers. Below is a partial list of our General Merchandise Retail Customers and our Food Retail Customers.

Food Sales at retail requires an experienced sales force to know how to properly present product samples, offer comparisons to competitive products/brands, and know what type of program, packaging, and signage the retail customer is looking for. A solid sales force understands retail goals, profit margins, and the latest corporate initiatives that buyers want to meet as part of their annual goals.


IIDA’s team of food experts takes food presentation and retail programs seriously. From the moment you start working with IIDA, you will understand that our team will push you to put the best program possible to ensure your success and help you stand out on any food-driven retailer’s shelves, refrigerated, or freezer sections. We’ll guide you through the merchandising, sampling, and promotional process and work to help you succeed faster and hold the valuable shelf space at North America’s top retailers!

When it comes to general merchandise sales, IIDA’s team of sales professionals reaches more major North American retailers than any other sales force in the country. Our extensive retail experience and frequent contact with retail buyers ensure that when an IIDA sales professional presents a product or program, it is taken seriously.


If you want your product or program to be taken seriously, partner with the team that prepares you to professionally present to major North American retailers. Our deep understanding of what buyers and consumers are looking for gives you the competitive edge to capture attention and increase your annual sales!

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.